Is Now a Good Time to Buy a House in Calgary?

Understanding the best time to buy a house can be challenging, especially in a dynamic market like Calgary's. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or looking to invest, making an informed decision is crucial to securing a good deal and a suitable home.

In this article, you will learn:
  • Key indicators to determine the optimal time for buying a home.
  • Current trends and factors influencing Calgary's real estate market.
  • Pros and cons of buying a house in Calgary right now.

Let's examine the specifics and consider whether now is a good time to buy a house in Calgary.

Determining an Optimal Time to Buy a Home

Buying a home is a significant financial decision; timing can be crucial in securing a good deal. Several factors can help determine the optimal time to buy a home:
  • Real estate markets often experience high and low activity cycles. Spring and summer are typically busy seasons with more listings and higher prices, while fall and winter may offer less competition and potentially lower prices.
  • Mortgage interest rates significantly impact the cost of a home. Lower interest rates reduce monthly mortgage payments and the overall interest paid over the loan's life. Keeping an eye on interest rate trends can help you decide when to buy.
  • Ensure you have a stable income, a good credit score, and enough savings for a down payment and closing costs. Personal milestones like job stability or family planning can also influence your timing. Your circumstances matter in this process.
  • The broader economic environment, including employment rates, inflation, and consumer confidence, can significantly affect the real estate market. In a strong economy, housing demand may rise, pushing prices up, while a weaker economy might lead to lower prices.

By considering these factors, you can better gauge when it might be the right time to purchase a home, balancing market conditions with your financial preparedness.

Current Real Estate Trends in Calgary

Various local and national factors influence Calgary's real estate market. As of the latest data:

  • The number of available homes for sale can impact pricing and competition. A higher inventory often means more options for buyers and potential leverage in negotiations, while a lower inventory can lead to bidding wars and higher prices.
  • The average home price in Calgary has fluctuated due to market conditions, with specific neighbourhoods experiencing more significant changes than others. Monitoring recent price trends is essential to understand the current market value.
  • The number of homes sold in recent months provides insight into market activity. A high sales volume indicates a strong market, while a slowdown could signal a cooling period.
  • Economic factors, population growth, and housing policies can affect market demand and supply. Shifts have influenced Calgary's energy sector market, migration patterns, and urban development projects.

Historical Comparison with Previous Years

Understanding how the current market compares to previous years can provide valuable context:
  • Analyzing how home prices have changed over the past five to ten years can highlight long-term trends. For instance, if prices steadily rise, it might indicate strong market growth.
  • Comparing the number of homes sold in different years can reveal patterns of market activity. For example, years with significant economic events may show noticeable impacts on sales volumes.
  • Historical mortgage rates can show how borrowing costs have evolved. Low historical rates indicate a favourable borrowing environment, whereas higher rates suggest a more expensive market period.
  • Major economic events, such as recessions or booms, can significantly influence the housing market. Comparing current conditions with past economic periods can help predict potential future trends.

By examining these historical comparisons, buyers can better understand the market's trajectory and anticipate future changes.

According to Nesto, The price of homes in Calgary has increased by 8.6% over the last 12 months.

Key Factors Influencing the Market Right Now

Several key factors are currently shaping Calgary's real estate market:
  • Calgary's economy, heavily tied to the energy sector, can significantly impact the housing market. Financial stability or instability in this sector can lead to fluctuations in housing demand and prices.
  • The Bank of Canada's interest rate policies directly affect mortgage rates. Recent changes in interest rates can either encourage or discourage potential buyers from entering the market.
  • Housing policies, such as tax incentives for first-time buyers or regulations on foreign ownership, can influence market dynamics. Recent policy changes can either boost or dampen market activity.
  • New infrastructure projects, such as public transit expansions or new residential developments, can make certain areas more attractive to buyers, affecting local market trends.
  • An increasing population can drive demand for housing, while population stagnation or decline might reduce it. Monitoring demographic trends helps predict future market needs.

Understanding these factors provides a comprehensive view of the market's current and potential future directions.

Pros and Cons of Buying Right Now

Before deciding to buy a home in Calgary, consider the following pros and cons:
  • If the market grows, buying now might increase property value over time.
  • Favorable mortgage rates can make borrowing cheaper, reducing overall costs. You can view the current mortgage rates here.
  • Real estate can be a stable investment, providing rental income and capital growth.
  • Owning a home allows you to customize and renovate according to your preferences.

  • Fluctuations in the market can impact property values, leading to potential financial risk.
  • Down payments, closing costs, and other fees can require significant initial expenditure.
  • Homeownership comes with the responsibility for maintenance and repairs, which can be costly.
  • Economic shifts, particularly in sectors like energy, can affect market stability and property values.

Weighing these pros and cons helps make an informed decision based on current market conditions and personal financial situations.

Preparing to Buy a House

Preparation is critical to a successful home purchase. Here are some essential steps:
  1. Ensure you have a stable income, a good credit score, and sufficient savings for a down payment and closing costs.
  2. Determine your budget by considering all expenses, including mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, and maintenance.
  3. Get pre-approved for a mortgage to understand how much you can borrow and to show sellers you are a serious buyer.
  4. Research neighbourhoods, home prices, and market trends to identify where you want to buy.
  5. Consult with real estate professionals, financial advisors, and mortgage brokers to navigate the buying process.

Thorough preparation empowers you to approach the home-buying process confidently and clearly, knowing you've done your homework and are in control of your decisions.

Working with a Real Estate Agent
A Real Estate Agent can be a valuable asset in the home-buying process. Here's why:
  • Agents have extensive local market knowledge and can provide insights into pricing, neighbourhoods, and market trends.
  • They can access many listings, including those not publicly advertised, giving you more options.
  • Agents are skilled negotiators who can help you get the best deal and navigate any issues that arise during the buying process.
  • They handle the paperwork and ensure all legal requirements, simplifying your process.
  • An agent offers ongoing support, answering questions and providing advice throughout the buying process.

Selecting a reputable and experienced Realtor can make the home-buying experience smoother and more efficient, putting you at ease and making the process more enjoyable.

Are Prices Going Down in Calgary?

In Calgary, home prices have not been going down; they have been increasing over the past year. As of July 2024, the average home price in Calgary has risen by approximately 8.6% year-over-year, reaching around $589,000. This increase is driven by a combination of factors, including a limited supply of available homes, high demand from new residents, and strong investor activity in the market. Despite some cooling in sales volume, especially for lower-priced homes, the market remains tight, particularly for detached homes and more affordable options, which continues to push prices upward​ (WOWA)​​ (​​ (Zolo)​.

The overall trend suggests that while there may be some regional variations and temporary slowdowns, the broader Calgary market is still experiencing price growth rather than declines (Mortgage Sandbox).

Is It Worth It to Buy a House in Calgary?

After evaluating the various factors, you might wonder if buying a house in Calgary is worth it. Here are some things to consider:
  • Calgary's market has shown resilience and potential for growth, particularly with ongoing urban development and economic recovery.
  • Consider your long-term goals, such as family planning, career stability, and investment objectives. Owning a home can offer stability and potential financial benefits.
  • With favourable interest rates and a relatively stable market, now might be an opportune time for many buyers. However, consider individual circumstances and market volatility.

Buying a house in Calgary can be worthwhile if aligned with your financial readiness and long-term plans.


In summary, buying a house in Calgary involves considering several factors:

  • Key indicators to determine the optimal time for buying a home.
  • Current trends and factors influencing Calgary's real estate market.
  • Pros and cons of buying a house in Calgary right now.

Conducting thorough market research is crucial if you're ready to take the next step in your home-buying journey. Understanding the market is just as important as finding the right home. By exploring detailed guides on preparing for homeownership, including financial planning and market research, you can feel informed and confident.